perjantai 11. lokakuuta 2013

Art is a way to build hope

I took part in Mimo Seminar called “The perspectives on young people’s life” at Humak University of Applied Sciences, RDI-Centre of Helsinki. The participants were all around from Finland e.g. from different schools, such as Humak and Keuda. There were also participants from Estonia. 

During the day we had very interesting lectures from different points of view. We heard, for example, about the youth situation in Estonia, about cultural tools in youth work and how to use dance improvisation with young asylum seekers. 

For me, what was interesting, was that many of the lecturers were talking about hope – how art is a way to build hope. And when talking about youth in danger of marginalization, it’s crucial to have hope.

Youth work is trying to help adolescents in the areas where schools can’t. From early childhood there is always competition, is one better than the other. But while doing arts in a group, there is no competition. It’s just about having fun with peers, together.  Arts are also a great way to get to know more about your feelings and emotions.

Music therapist/project director Markus Raivio told us that when he asked what young people with mental health problems wanted the most, the answers were very similar: they wanted to do something meaningful and they didn’t want to be alone. So what youth work needs to do is to give possibilities and responsibility for young people and a safe group where to belong to.

The head of Department of Turku youth services Eeva Roiha was telling us about how affective it is when you are ”learning by doing”. You are a lot deeper in the subject when you involve in the process. Usually, the youth come up with great innovations, when they are not told how to make things. Sometimes all we need is a little trust for the youngsters, and they’ll do great.

After a long but interesting day of many lectures, I couldn’t help smiling. I was left very inspired and full of ideas how to apply these art-based methods in my own work.

Marjo Ylikoski
Civic Activity and Youth Work Student, Humak